Medical Illustration Photoshop Tutorial: How to Draw Muscles

Over the summer one of my Youtube subscribers asked me if I could do a few small tutorials for them: 

“...Btw, would love to see your process for drawing other major body tissues like fat, muscle, connective tissue, etc. even if there are no brush shortcuts :)...”

I thought that it sounded pretty fun so this was my Photoshop tutorial for how I draw muscles for my medical illustrations. Hope you enjoy and if you have any suggestions for future tutorials feel free to email me or drop me a message on my channel. 

Annie Campbell

Annie is a medical illustrator and animator who runs Now Medical Studios with her business partner, Emily Holden. Her experiences as an art director, project manager and multimedia artist for various studios and companies in the USA and UK have provided her with a broad range of skills and expertise that she now brings to every project. Annie firmly believes in life long learning and sharing.

One of her passions is sharing the business of medical illustration with younger artists embarking into the field. She founded and is an active contributor of Learn Medical Art with Emily, a channel dedicated to creating and sharing tutorials, articles and resources from the field.


Emily and Annie do anatomy face painting with the University of Dundee Dental School


Medical Illustration Speed Drawing - Dundee Design Festival