New team member - Angela Yeung

Hello! Or nei hou in Cantonese :)

Huge wave to everyone here! I am Angela, the newest member of the NMS team!

I now work as a Medical Illustrator and Multimedia Designer at NMS' Edinburgh branch with Emily and Juman. I am super thrilled to continue my journey as a medical illustrator with a team of lovely people.

I am very interested in doing 3D modelling and animation. If you scroll over my Instagram page you might realise how much my hometown's nightscape staple has influenced my aesthetics in doing 3D work.

The early years

I was always the shy geeky kid in class who made friends by giving away doodles. In uni I went for a biotechnology degree for my scientific passion but very soon realised I was not good at being a researcher. I felt that I lacked the intuition and persistence to stay competitive in Academia. In order to boost my competitiveness, I went to Canada for a half-year exchange for more research opportunities.

Most of the past was a blur- except this: I remembered vividly of one professor casually mentioned the idea of medical art as a career path during lecture break in a crowded basic biology class.

The idea was seeded in my brain and never got away.

Grad school & work

Doing creative work is never a conventional path for an Asian kid, but I did magically persuaded my parents that drawing human organs for biology textbook publisher was more suited for me than holding a pipette all day in a hood.

I left my hometown Hong Kong to Dundee for their medical art programme. Before handing in my master thesis I luckily got a job offer from Medical Artist Ltd, a small-scale medical art studio in England. I first worked as an intern and quickly graduated to a full-time position. So I got to stay in the country doing my favourite job, yay.

I was always eyeing up Annie and Emily's company, waiting for job vacancies, since meeting them at the SciArtNow gathering. It feels like a dream come true to finally join them.

My first project

The assignment was to create an illustration of a middle-aged Asian woman. The assignment was challenging at first as I was not naturally good at drawing figures. Thankfully with the help of the team I managed to come up with something decent-looking. I learned so much on how to place anatomy correctly in this task.

My second project

For my second project, I was tasked with taking a concept that Susie had created and implementing good linework and colour to her illustration.

My third project

Development of illustrator pattern brushes. For one of our bigger projects, I worked with Annie to create some illustrator DNA pattern brushes. This allowed the rest of the team to quickly draw DNA strands without having to draw them from scratch. Annie art directed me as I came up with different DNA designs and approaches that could be used.


Looking forward

Art and science are always where my passion lies. I am happy to continue my journey on being a more skilful medical artist, assisted by a bunch of great companions.

There is never a boring moment in my job. I like that our work always requires high level of originality - the task is more challenging yet satisfying when I have full autonomy to create something from scratch, but not frankensteining a look from different medical illustration resources.

Joining the company was such a bliss for me and I am glad that it made my 2020 slightly less depressing. I'm really looking forward to future projects and being part of the company's growth!

Angela Yeung

I am Angela and I am a medical artist. Here are the first few things you might be interested about me…I am a 2019 graduate of MSc Medical Art at the University of Dundee. Probably one of the favourite things I like to do when it comes to medical illustrations are surgical tools. I’m an enthusiastic and capable individual who is determined to contribute to the field of scientific visualization, specialized in creating captivating learning materials for the general public.


An interview with medical illustrator Annie Campbell


New team member - Juman Hamza